Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Hectic Day

I actually got up early today around 7am. I am so not a morning person even more that I am pregnant. I took Alanis to the doctor today she hurt her hand. The doctor said she sprained her muscle in her hand, probably from all the texting she does. After wards we met up with Antonio for a bit during his lunch hour. We went to Target as I wanted to see if they had any baby boats for Lily (although she is not a baby but a toddler), no luck.

Alanis and I went to lunch at Taco Bell. We had those new $2 deal meals. I had the deal with the double decker taco. I love those so much. Hey and for two bucks that is a deal. It's been awhile since I had some alone time with my daughter. I really enjoyed it. I will have to spend more time with each of my kids alone. I have been neglecting the alone time. I will try to make it a ritual. I don't want any of them to feel unloved or left out when the new baby arrives.

I went to my OB dr this afternoon and I was so tired I started to fall asleep in the waiting room. I have been suffering from a cough for the last four weeks and not been sleeping very well. My insomnia doesn't help either. Anyways, I was asking the dr what medications were safe for the baby and she told me to take some allergy medicine. I do have to say I did as I was told and feel a lot better.

I am trying to potty train Lily so she can start preschool. I am having difficulties. She tells me after she goes and I sit her on the potty but still no luck. If any of you moms out there have any potty training advice I am all ears. I could use the help as every child is different and develop at their own pace. I am really hoping to have her potty trained before the new baby arrives.

Well til next time I blog again! Good Night!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Fun Follow Friday June 18th

Welcome to Fun Follow Friday hosted by Simply Stacie and My Wee View. The goal of this hop is to get new Google Friend Connect  Followers for your blog and be introduced to new blogs to follow! We wanted to keep it fun and easy so all you have to do is add your blog link and start blog hopping and following away! You aren’t required to write a post for your blog for Fun Follow Friday unless you want to (but we really appreciate it if you do – to help get the word out).
When you visit a blog that you like and want to follow, leave them a comment with your link telling them you are following from the Fun Follow Friday. Of course, we would love for you to follow both hostesses blogs, Simply Stacie and My Wee View, but it isn’t mandatory. If you do follow us, just leave us a comment and we will follow you back.
The main goal is to have fun and follow the blogs that interest you! Happy hopping along!
***New***To make things even more fun, each week one blog from the previous week, will be chosen at random to be put in the #3 spot.  The #3 spot will be chosen by! This week’s Fun Follow Friday blogger of the week is Take A Moms Word For It. She takes the #3 spot. We will be selecting next week’s blogger of the week from this weeks entries.

Blast at John's Incredible Pizza

Today my family and I went to celebrate our graduation from a family program. The program taught us to be a closer family and to bond with one another. We were in this family program for 11 months and did a great job.

We ate a great buffet and then headed to the games. We spent over two and a half hours playing games and stacking up those credits  to earn prizes. Lily got on a ride but she got scared and we had to get her off. The other kids had a blast on a couple of rides and playing the games. Alanis won over 1000 tickets on this one game where you spin the wheel like on wheel of fortune. Antonio tried the game and won 4o tickets. Lily had fun playing the games as we tried to involve her in the action.

The kids turned in their credits and got some cool prizes. Lily got a care bear and was really happy. Alanis and Ernesto decided to save their credits for another time since they are trying to earn bigger and better prizes. Dominic and my niece Mia cashed theirs in.

The last time I went to John's is when my nephew Marcus had a birthday party like years ago. I do have to say it has changed and to quote my fiance Antonio "this is like a casino". He was excited to be there and we all had a blast.

When we all got home we played with the games we were given as gifts for graduating. We had fun and I really miss spending quality time with my kids. Lately I have been really sick and unable to get out of bed. I am also five months pregnant and the heat has been getting to me. I will make a bigger effort to spend more time.

Tomorrow I am taking the kids on a playdate at the park. I will blog more then.