Thursday, March 18, 2010

My son Ernesto Turns 11!

My son Ernesto turned 11 years old today. My little man is growing up so fast on me. I remember him as a two year old and getting into things he is not supposed to. Well let's just say he still gets into things he is not supposed to, but I do love him.

His disguise he got from a quarter machine. Doesn't he look cute?

I went to Walmart today and went birthday shopping for him. I bought him some camping gear as he is going camping this weekend with the Boy Scouts. He is so excited and he loved the gifts. He also got Twister the movie one of his faves. We had pizza from Romeo's and I baked brownies for him, but he was not allowed to eat as it was soon bed time. I would say he had a nice day today.

Ernesto is my oldest son. I am so proud of all his great accomplishments he has made so far. I am proud to be his mother. I love you son!!!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wednesday's Walk ~ I Remember When....

 This marks my second week participating in Wednesday' walk and I do like it as it makes me think of wonderful memories that occurred in my life. As I sit here blogging my toddler is laying next to me. The memory I wish to share is the birth of my baby girl Lilliana.

It was February 19th, 2008 and my boyfriend and I were visited by his parents and we went out. We had a blast celebrating life. As I was scheduled for a c-section on the 20th, so I was more than ready to have this baby. When my boyfriend and I got home we got intimate. Well I guess the baby did not like that one bit. Throughout the day I was cramping. We went to his cousin's friends' house and just kicked back. The whole time I was still having cramps I did not think nothing of it at the time.

We got home pretty late and my boyfriend Antonio went to bed I was unable to do so. I told him of my cramps and that I was in pain. He asked me if I thought I was in labor. I told him no I think it's braxten hicks. Unable to sleep and the urge to use the potty, I went to the bathroom and just sat there in pain. I kept telling myself it wasn't real just the fake labor pains.

Well it got to the point of the pain making me cry. I was in sooooo much pain that I wanted to die. That's when I knew I was in real labor. I called 911 and they told me an ambulance would be on it's way. I woke up Antonio and told him I called the ambulance. he got dresssed and went with me once it arrived.

At the hospital I asked the doctor if I could get pain medication and they checked me down there. Well it turned out I was fully dilated and ready to give birth. They were unable to give me pain medication. I gave birth pretty quick after that.

Lilliana weighed 8 pounds 8 ounces. She was my biggest baby ever. I could not believe I went through the labor pains guess I can tolerate pain. I so adore her, she is a beautiful little toddler full of life.

 Thanks for reading my blog!

Thanks for joining up with Wednesday's Walk today! Feel free to grab the button, post a memory and come back and link up so we can visit your blog today!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wednesday's Walk ~ I Remember When....

If you want to join in the fun, just hop over to Jenilee's blog by clicking on the button, and link up your memory. Any memory at all works.

I Remember When......

I can remember the very first time I met my fiance. 
 (He is the one in the red shirt)
I was packing and cleaning the house I was moving out of. I was with one of my friends at the time we went to my storage to put stuff in there. Well as many of you may or may not know I am a recovering alcoholic/addict. I am going on three years clean and sober in August. I am most proud of. That is another story.
And the two of us (her more than me) was looking for our next fix. As I had to "pay" her for helping me, some friend. Anyways she seen this guy on his bike and yelled out to him. I stopped the car as she chatted with him. He went to the empty house and we chatted. She introduced us and he seemed pretty shocked to know it was me. I did not know if it was because I got a bad rap from my former boyfriend. (He was a cheating boyfriend and I got blamed for just about all the things that went wrong in his life. Now that is another story to tell.)
I am still curious as to his first thoughts of me ( my fiance). I think I will ask him when he gets home from work. Anyways that was the first time I met my fiance and I am proud to say we have been together for 2 years and have a beautiful baby girl together.

I just want to say that I am proud of my recovery and I have come a long way. I also wanted to change and make my life better for myself and my kids. So if you know someone struggling with alcohol or drugs don't give up on them. They may want to change and may have lost all hope in doing so. They need the support and love from family and friends.
 I do not forget where I have come from and I do not look down on those with any type of life's problems, nor do I judge, as only God can Judge. I do believe everything happens for a reason and I sure have gone through so much during my life, which as made me the strong person I am today. I also like to help others by sharing my stories with the hopes of touching someone's heart in any way to help save them.

That is one of my memories and I will be sure to do Wednesday's Walks to share more memories, who know I may help someone in the process.
Thanks for taking the time to read my blog!
Thanks for sharing your memories with us and linking up today! Feel free to follow along for more memories each Wednesday!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Avon Fundraiser for March of Dimes Walk

I would like to publicly thank Kelly Busch for helping me with my March of Dimes fund raising goals. She has set up an Avon fundraiser and you can shop your favorite products all month long and a portion of all sales benefit the March of Dimes. Please take the time to shop and spread the word to family and friends as well. This fundraiser ends March 31st.

You can order online 24/7:

To place a direct donation to my fundraiser:

Thank You in Advance!! Also you make an Avon purchase or March of Dimes Donation please leave me a comment and you will be entered in a drawing to win a 26 oz Heritage Candle from Gold Canyon (scent varies from my inventory). Help a good cause today!

Catching up Contest

I have been sick and really hating it. I have been away from blogging for awhile and boy do I need to catch up with my fellow bloggers. Here is a contest to spark your interests.

If you are the first one who can spot me in this video and comment who I am with then you will win a FREE CAR CANDLE from GOLD CANYON!!!! Good Luck Readers!!

Here is an interesting video: