Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Totally Tuesday Blog Hop ~ July 12, 2011

Busy Mom's Tips Tuesday Blog Hop

It has sure been awhile since I did a blog hop. I look forward to meeting new bloggers along the way. I can't believe this year is half way over, time seems to be passing me by. My Lily started preschool last week. She is growing up too fast. She really likes it. We walk to school and walk after school. I am getting some exercise there.Here is a pic of Lily's first day of preschool:

She is so beautiful! I love her so much and I am very proud of her. She told me she is learning to write her name so I will practice with her at home. She also wants a library card so she can check out books and we can read them together. I think we will have a bus ride in the days to come. My van broke down and is in the shop right now. The kids and I still walk around and I really miss walking. Plus its good exercise and good for the heart.

I also have Gold Canyon Candles summer mini catalogs prepped and ready to be mailed out so if you would like one text message me your address 559.709.5839, I am also on a quest to sell the Troop candle. 10% of all sales go to Operation Homefront to help out the troops. Support Our Troops and make a purchase today.
The popular Warm Welcome fragrance has been colored yellow and fittingly used in the Support Our Troops candle. 10% of the retail value from each candle sold will be donated to Operation Homefront in the U.S. and CFPFSS in Canada. Make your purchase at www.kozycandles.com

Like my facebook page to get all the specials and offers plus my personal specials! 

Have fun blog hopping! Don't forget to cherish all you have in life. God Bless You!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

It's Finally Done!

I am so excited!!! My garage was finished yesterday afternoon and it looks better than it did before the fire. All was needed was a push from the inspection dept and a year & a month later it's done.

Day 2 Pics


Day 3 Pics Completion




I cannot wait to begin using it. My kids want to convert it into a room so they can sleep in there. I don't think so they are only 11 and 12 years old. It had to be boys. I am just so happy to have it back.

On Monday June 6th I started my college courses. I have one online class and one traditional class. I am so psyched about going back to school. I have to try to get in to the programs and financial aid. I am trying to get a degree in psychology so that I can become a counselor. I am aiming towards a career and not just a job. I need to be able to support my children in all their endeavors. I ordered my books from a rental place and they should ship within the next week I hope.

I have put more focus on my candle business and trying to get back on track. I let go for awhile after my baby was born and now I need to work harder to achieve my goals. If you or anyone you know would like to book a Gold Canyon Candle party let me know. I offer catalog parties, open houses and personal shopping appts. Order online 24/7 at www.kozycandles.com your business is greatly appreciated!

I finally got called into work yesterday. I was so excited. It's been two months since I last worked. I will still continue to search for another part time job. I am afraid part time is all I can do at this point unless I can work from home. I have my two little ones that I care for and I do not want to be gone that long.

I also need to get my butt in gear regading my health. I need to start an exercise program. I also need to eat healthier but I cannot seem to kick the chocolate, that is my weakness! I have cut back on drinking soda and drinking more water. I am proud of myself on that note. Even my kids have noticed this too. I think I will take it slow and start walking 30minutes a day. I can walk around my neighborhood and pass out Tupperware flyers as I do. I will make it make for both health & business.

Tomorrow is the last day of school for my kids. Then it's summer break for them. I have one going to middle school and another going into high school. I am so proud of my children all of them. Hopefully Lily will be starting preschool next month. I have her on the waiting list and they told me they would be calling at the end of this month. She is so excited. We have been working on potty training her so she can go to school.
So much is going on in my life and I am very proud that I can handle everything and not freak out. Then again I am a mom and moms handle lots of things. Shout out to all the moms out there. Great Job on all you do!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Finally Fixing!

I woke up to the sound of the phone ringing and when I answered it the voice said "are you home?" I answered yes and then I was told that the maintenance crew was going to fix my garage. It has been a little over a year since it burned, last May. I was si excited. I had to move the things I had in the garage out in the yard and wouldn't you know it's supposed to rain this weekend. So all my things in the open but at least they are covered up.

I had to tie up the dogs so they wouldn't be in the way. I had a hard time catching Roxy once I let her out of her area she ran wild. I chased her all over the back yard gave up and came inside. I was going to lure her with food but when I went to the back door she was waiting for me. If I had only known it would have saved me time.

I also heard from the crew that they were instructed by the owner of the house to only fix the roof and paint the garage so that it will pass inspection. That is the only reason they are even doing anything because if they don't fix it the rent won't get paid. According to the owner the insurance money hasn't came through yet. Does it really take that long for homeowner's insurance to come through?

I hope it passes inspection. I really want my garage I need it. Here are the pics so far:







Thursday, April 28, 2011

Thursday Thoughts

I have been reading about what happened to Alabama and near by states. My heart & sympathies go out to everyone who suffered during the cluster of tornadoes. I cannot believe they got so many and that so many people died. There was lots of damage. Why does this have to happen? It was reported the last time a cluster of tornadoes did so much damage was in 1974.

On Tuesday, I went to speak with my college counselor regarding getting me enrolled in college again. It was brought to my attention that I "dabble in everything." I am not sure why this occurs maybe I just get bored and need to find something that fascinates me. Well hopefully I can finish my schooling and earn my degree. I used to be fond of school once upon a time. Now I have even more reason to finish - I want to get a career not just a job. i want stable income.

I have a on call part time job and well let's face it they haven't called me in to work all month. I do not know what I did or didn't do. But that job is just not cutting it. I babysit from home as well and I only have one client. I am working on getting more but I am just a babysitter, not a licensed facility. I will be looking into getting my license as I will need it. I will also be taking first aid.

There is so much I want to do and it feels like there is not enough time to do it. I just need to get my butt in gear and follow through with all I do. I can procrastinate or get side tracked which is so easy to do. I can honestly say I must be in remission from my depression. I just woke up one morning this week and started cleaning. I did such a good job that my boyfriend came home and was in shock. I have been feeling extremely tired and no motivation to do anything these past few months. I feel a lot better and full of life again.

I am trying not to let every little thing bring me down. There is just too many chaotic things in my life right now. My main one is income. I need to find a steady income and i know I will. God will not let me down. God is Good! Now only if my kids could get along, is that too much to ask. They are in their pre-teens and one teenager. Go figure right?

My daughter Izabella is turning six years old on Sunday. My little girl is getting so big. She will be completing kindergarten this June. Time sure does fly by fast. All my kids are getting older which means so am I. I cannot believe I will be turning 33 next month. Sometimes I feel like I haven't accomplished anything in life, which that isn't true! I survived domestic abuse, survived death, recovered from addiction, recovered from many bad relationships, found Mr. Right and had six kids. My life is GRAND! I feel lucky to have gone through what I have. I realized I am one STRONG WOMAN! 

 Now to begin my next chapter in my life: college.

I have decided to major in psychology. I have always been fond of the subject. I can help many people along the way, as I have endured so much so far. I want to give back and make a difference in someone's life. I want to help them better their life and live happy. If I can find HAPPINESS so can they!

To another day of My Krazy Life!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wednesday Worries

So much has happened since I last blogged. I got a job! Yes that is right I finally got a job. I am so HAPPY! I work for a local company here in Fresno called SMG. I am an usher and I offer excellent customer service to our patrons as I seat them before and during events.  I worked Disney on Ice for four nights. It was a very nice show. I also worked the Valentine's Super Love Jam. The music was great and so were the artists. I pick up my first paycheck this Friday.
Here's a pic of me in my uniform.

My daughter Lily turns 3 this saturday and we are having a Dora party on sunday. We are getting her the Dora bounce house and everything. She is so excited and asks everyday when her party is. She is growing up so fast. I can't believe it. She knows her abc's already and wants to go to school. I can't seem to get her potty trained yet. I really hope it happens soon as I have her on the waiting list for preschool to start in July.
I've overcome many obstacles in my life but for some reason I cannot help my son Dominic. He throws many tantrums and crying fits. He is going to be 11 in April and I try to tell him this is not the way to go. If any of you out there have experienced this how did you go about to deal with it?

My valentine's day went very well. My man got me tulips and I got him a teddy bear with candy. We then went out to eat at Dicicco's. I had the Scarface plate. It was so yummy. Chicken, pasta & mushrooms in a creamy sauce. It was nice to spend time with him. He works full time and goes to school full time. When he comes home he is too tired to spend time with me. I understand but I miss him. He is such a hard worker. We do get to cuddle together when we sleep and I feel so safe in his arms. I feel like the luckiest woman in the world to have such an amazing man in my life.

I got Implanon put in and very excited as this will prevent me from getting pregnant. We do not plan to get pregnant til after Alanis graduates from high school and moves out. I like this birth control as I do not gain weight from it and I do not have to worry about it for three years. I have had this before I got pregnant with Faviola and I liked it.

It will be our last as we will try to have a son together. I would like to give Antonio a son as I know he misses his son. His ex- wife is still trying to keep his son from him. I just wish she would let the boy make up his own mind about his dad and not brain wash him. I let my kids make up their own mind about their biological father. I did not brain wash them or tell them how to feel. They do know what happened that he tried to kill me. It took me a long time to forgive him but I eventually did. I am a survivor of domestic violence and I am grateful for being alive to be with my children.

I started a Tupperware business. So if any of you are interested in hosting a catalog or online party please contact me. I want to hear from you! I will keep you all posted on the sales and happenings of Tupperware.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Before I Was a Mom

Someone shared this poem with a moms group I belong to and I thought I'd share with all of you! ENJOY!

Before I Was a MOM
Before I was a Mom I made and ate hot meals.

I had unstained clothing.

I had quiet conversations on the phone.

Before I was a Mom I slept as late as I wanted.

And never worried about how late I got into bed.

I brushed my hair and my teeth everyday.

Before I was Mom I cleaned my house each day.

I never tripped over toys or forgot words to lullabies.

Before I was a Mom I didn't worry whether or not my plants were poisonous.

I never thought about immunizations.

Before I was a Mom I had never been puked on, pooped on, spit on, peed on, or pinched by tiny fingers.

Before I was a Mom I had complete control of my mind, my thoughts, my body and all my feelings.

I slept all night.

Before I was a Mom I never held down a screaming child so that doctors could do tests or give shots.

I never looked into teary eyes and cried.

I never got gloriously happy over a simple grin.

I never sat up late hours at night watching a baby sleep.

Before I was a Mom I never held a sleeping baby just because I didn't want to put it down.

I never felt my heart break into a million pieces when I couldn't stop the hurt.

I never knew that something so small could affect my life so much.

I never knew that I could love someone so much.

I never knew I would love being a Mom.

Before I was a Mom I didn't know the feeling of having my heart outside my body.

I didn't know how special it could feel to feed a hungry baby.

I didn't know that bond between a Mother and her child.

I didn't know that something so small could make me feel so important.

Before I was a Mom I had never gotten up in the middle of the night every 10 minutes to make sure all was OK.

I had never known the warmth, the joy, the love, the heartache or the satisfaction of being a Mom.

I didn't know I was capable of feeling so much......

......before I was a Mom.

Friday, January 7, 2011

A New Me!

I have decided to make some new changes for my health this year. Hopefully I can follow through with them. I want to lose weight and get in shape. I am a huge procrastinator and heck I'm lazy! So I am hoping that will change. I bought myself some Boot Camp sessions and I plan to start this next week. I need to secure a sitter for my kids (my Mom, hopefully). I also am following a month plan from Cafe Mom. I will be posting how I am doing on this as well.

I am also attending a Transitions Meetup. I attended my first last night and it was great! I learned so much from the members and I am hoping to get a lot out of this group. I also had my first job interview of this new year. I am really hoping I get it, I really need to work. I will keep you all posted on that as well.

I promised myself I would make some life changes for a new me and for my children as well. I want them to be proud of me. I also want to encourage them to go for what they want. I know I wasn't always there in the past but this is a new year and I plan to be there now. I have so many plans for us now I just need to execute them.

I am also going to "appreciate what I have and want what I have" sometimes I tend to forget that. Oh ya did I mention I want to get back into reading again. I miss it! I bought a new book and I will start reading it today. Yayme!

Thanks for following My Krazy Life!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Sunday Blog Hop!

I joined this Sunday's blog hop. My new year started off great. I spent it with my children and my SO. We barbecued and kicked back. 2010 was a mediocre year. I lost two family members in December, got to visit with my little brother from New York, reconnected with my older brother and his family plus so much more.

This year I plan to get my gift shop off the ground, spent more time with my family, get in shape and lose weight, just live life like there is no tomorrow. Oh did I mention tell everyone that I Love Them as I don't know what the future holds. I also want to pick up reading more as I find myself drifting away from that. I want to make new friends and get out of the house more. Job searching is a must at least part time.

So many plans and I hope I can manage them all in a timely fashion. Just a little tidbit on my krazy life.