Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wednesday Worries

So much has happened since I last blogged. I got a job! Yes that is right I finally got a job. I am so HAPPY! I work for a local company here in Fresno called SMG. I am an usher and I offer excellent customer service to our patrons as I seat them before and during events.  I worked Disney on Ice for four nights. It was a very nice show. I also worked the Valentine's Super Love Jam. The music was great and so were the artists. I pick up my first paycheck this Friday.
Here's a pic of me in my uniform.

My daughter Lily turns 3 this saturday and we are having a Dora party on sunday. We are getting her the Dora bounce house and everything. She is so excited and asks everyday when her party is. She is growing up so fast. I can't believe it. She knows her abc's already and wants to go to school. I can't seem to get her potty trained yet. I really hope it happens soon as I have her on the waiting list for preschool to start in July.
I've overcome many obstacles in my life but for some reason I cannot help my son Dominic. He throws many tantrums and crying fits. He is going to be 11 in April and I try to tell him this is not the way to go. If any of you out there have experienced this how did you go about to deal with it?

My valentine's day went very well. My man got me tulips and I got him a teddy bear with candy. We then went out to eat at Dicicco's. I had the Scarface plate. It was so yummy. Chicken, pasta & mushrooms in a creamy sauce. It was nice to spend time with him. He works full time and goes to school full time. When he comes home he is too tired to spend time with me. I understand but I miss him. He is such a hard worker. We do get to cuddle together when we sleep and I feel so safe in his arms. I feel like the luckiest woman in the world to have such an amazing man in my life.

I got Implanon put in and very excited as this will prevent me from getting pregnant. We do not plan to get pregnant til after Alanis graduates from high school and moves out. I like this birth control as I do not gain weight from it and I do not have to worry about it for three years. I have had this before I got pregnant with Faviola and I liked it.

It will be our last as we will try to have a son together. I would like to give Antonio a son as I know he misses his son. His ex- wife is still trying to keep his son from him. I just wish she would let the boy make up his own mind about his dad and not brain wash him. I let my kids make up their own mind about their biological father. I did not brain wash them or tell them how to feel. They do know what happened that he tried to kill me. It took me a long time to forgive him but I eventually did. I am a survivor of domestic violence and I am grateful for being alive to be with my children.

I started a Tupperware business. So if any of you are interested in hosting a catalog or online party please contact me. I want to hear from you! I will keep you all posted on the sales and happenings of Tupperware.