Thursday, October 29, 2009

Mark your Calendar and plan to attend:

The Sassy Holiday Affair Shopping Extravaganza  
Sponsored by Sassy Sisters In Sales
November, 21st
10:00am - 5:00 pm EST
   Various vendors representing a variety of products.  There is something for everyone.  Games, Prizes, Special Deals, Exclusive Savings!  Invite your friends - they won't want to miss this either!  All of our guests will be entered for a chance to win fabulous prizes , but you must REGISTER !!!!!!!
Event will take place on   In the menu select Chat rooms, enter your name, no password needed.    Once logged in you'll be in "the lounge".  At the top of the box click on the arrow & choose the room assigned to a Sassy Affair.     Sit back and enjoy the fair!  Chime in with questions or comments anytime.
If you are a vendor and are interested in participating, go to Sassy Sister Events and submit a vendor form. This is a free event.  Your only requirements are to submit a prize (see terms for more details) and you must publicize the event on your blog or other social sites. 
Come Join The Fun!

Thursday's Thoughts

I went to court this morning regarding my two boys. I was confident and hopeful. The fate of my boys living arrangements were to be determined at this court. GREAT NEWS! I was awarded extended visit with my boys, that means they get to stay with me for sixty days straight. They do not have to return to the group home. In fact I have a sixty day review in January to see how everyone is and hopefully at that court the judge grants me family maintenance. In family maintenance they are mine again yipee! Court again in April and hopefully the judge says case closed. Those are the words I am waiting to hear from the judge.

This is my son Dominic he is nine years old.

This is my son Ernesto he is ten years old.

These two boys are the reasons why I did not give up when I was told in the beginning of my case that I was not going to get them back. It's been 2 years and 5 months since my boys were taken from me. Now they are on their way back to me.

I want to give HOPE to others who are in similar situations and to remind them not to give up. I also want to thank my HIGHER POWER for giving me my life back and my family.

I am so grateful for who and what I have in my life today. As today is day 814 of my sobriety journey. I will write about that on Sober Sundays.

On a different note, Monday will mark my new journey to weight loss and healthier lifestyle. I will be blogging about my journey and my progress.

              Here I am with my fiance Antonio, our baby girl Lily (purple dress) and his uncle's daughter.

Don't we make a great happy couple? In January will be our two year anniversary and we are going to Vegas!

These are just a few of my thoughts and accomplishments.

Keep Coming Back!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I Need Exposure

I am participating in a fellow blogger's idea. I met a new friend in cyberspace. Her name is Lynette Kraft. Visit her idea and why I decided to join. I need more exposure to my businesses and in general.

 From Lynnette's blog ~

"Every Monday AND Friday, I'll randomly feature a blogger! I'll link to YOU and tell about YOU and YOUR blog That way, you'll get more visitors! I won't tell you I'm coming (don't you love surprises!) - so keep your blog updated and interesting!"
I just want to say "Nice to meet all you fellow bloggers!"

My Manic Monday Issue

Ok so I know it isn't monday anymore, but I just found this new blogger.Visit her blog I am here to vent about people who do not follow through. Last month I sent out a package to someone and payment was supposed to be sent out to me. Well it never happened. It just bugs me because I did not hesitate to send it out without payment. I guess I won't do that again. Anyways I have decided not to let one person ruin my faith in people.

Don't forget to enter to win a FREE 4pack of Gold canyon votives.

Thanks for reading my blog!

Free Votives!

Enter for a chance to win a FREE 4pack scented votives - Relaxing!

Ways to enter:
1) Leave a comment with your favorite fall Scent, and name!
2) Become a follower of my blog and leave a comment that you are a new follower.
3) Request to be my Face book friend,
4) Post my give-a-way on Facebook, Twitter, etc and leave a comment with the link.
5) Post on your blog about my give-a-way and leave a comment with your link.
6) Subscribe to my monthly newsletter and leave a comment that you did.
For each of the things you do, please leave separate comments, that way, your name is in the drawing for all!

You have til November 19th to enter. One winner will be drawn at random and announced on November 20th!
Visit my Gold Canyon website for more amazing Fall products! Click HERE!

Friday, October 23, 2009

My First Bunco Night

Earlier this evening I went to my first Bunco Night with the Fresno Mommies. The theme was Halloween. My costume was last minute so I consider myself a 49ers fan. Anyway, I got lost trying to locate the address. Then once inside the complex I got lost again. When I finally found the right place and knocked, the woman at the door said it was french class. I second guessed myself and thought I was in the wrong place. Joke was on me though, I was in the right place.

This being my first Bunco I wasn't sure what to expect. I was kinda nervous as there were so many mommies and some of which I never met before. I did well and got the hang of the game. My new fave game Bunco! I handed out MOM PACKS at the end of the night. For all you moms out there who want to send fillers for these packs contact me.

This was a great treat for me since I had a rough week. I dealt with my landlord trying to over charge me for rent, ex boyfriend wanting a favor from me and he don't help me out (long story), kids fighting and Lily throwing things out of the fridge. Busy hectic week.

Tomorrow we are heading out of town as I pick up Bella for our visit. I only get her for 48 hours in a month. Trying to get that fixed. I miss my daughter so much and I know she misses us. I also want her to meet my family as she does not know them. ***SIGH***

I got my Arbonne products today. I can't wait to try them out. Yayme!!! I also got my Pink Papaya products today and will be trying them out as well, I will give my review of the products.

Lily is coughing away, I feel bad for her. I did rub vicks on her chest and her back. I hope she gets better soon. She does have a doctors appointment next week. My SO is yelling at her for crying, she is in pain though. I think I am done blogging for the night so I can attend to my baby's needs.

Good Night!

Monday, October 19, 2009

More About Me ~ Blog Party

20 Weird Questions That Will Give a Little Insight Into Who I Am

1. What is your favorite thing to snack on while you're blogging?
I usually drink coffee but haven't really drank it in awhile. I like to snack on anything I have. LOL

2. What is one thing you wouldn't want to live without?
My laptop. JK Besides my family I really don't have anything. So I guess my laptop wins!!!!
3. Beach, Mountains or Farm? Where would you live if you had a choice?
 The  beach would be the top one on my list, then next would probably be the farm. I am not too sure about the mountains. I would hat to be alone in the woods. Scary

4. What's your least favorite chore/household duty?
It would have to be the bathroom, the entire bathroom.

5. Who do people say you remind them of?
People always say I remind them of someone they met. But I never met them previously. As far as a famous person I don't know.

6. Prefer parties and socializing or staying at home with the fam?
I love spending time with the fam but I also like to get out and do things either with or withouth them.

7. What's your all time favorite movie?
Fools Rush in

8. Do you sleep in your make up or remove it like a good girl every night?
I don't wear makeup right now, which I am really in need of a girly girl make over. When I did wear makeup i tried to remove before i slept but if i was too tired I slept in it.

9. Do you have a hidden talent or a deep desire to learn something that you've never had a chance to learn? What is it?
I would like to learn......... I am stuck right now get back to you on that one.
10. What's one strange thing you're really good at?
I can roll my tongue to resemble a taco shell. I am a dork I know.

11. What first attracted you to your spouse?
He is just so HOT and he made me laugh.

12. What is something you love to smell?
I love to smell my baby she smells so good.

13. Tell something about you that you know irritates people.
I know I can get on people's nerves. I think I may talk too much or I am not really sure.

14. When you have extra money (HA!) what's the first thing you think to do with it?
I go shopping. I am a shopaholic I love to shop for my family, myself, anybody really. I NEED HELP!

15. Are you a silent laugher or a loud laugher? What makes you laugh the hardest?
Loud laughter I am just loud period.

16. Where is your favorite place to shop?
I love Walmart. But I do alot of online shopping too.

17. What's one thing you'd do more often if you had more time?
I would have more time with my fiance.

18. Are you a big spender or frugal?
I am a big spender my fiance has to put me in check. So now I ask myself do I need it or want it. I put alot of things back. It is soooo hard to not buy it. i am working on my shopping impulses.

19. Who is your favorite character of all time (from a movie or book)? (Can't be real)
Rachel from Friends

20. Would you want to be famous?
At first I wanted to be but I am happy with the way my life is now. I don't think I can handle all the paparazzi in my life.

This is just a little about me from this quiz. If you want to know more leave a comment and I will answer truthfully. Follow my blog! I will be starting Blog Give A ways  starting next month. If you sell products and want me to review them you can message me. You will also have the chance to win a prize! Check back often.

To join the Harvest of Friends Blog Party - Just Link Up!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

My Pink Papaya New Consultant Incentive

Join my team with our Start It, Launch It or Go For It Kit between November 1st and January 31st and sell (or purchase) $400 in commissionable sales before February 7th and you'll receive a FREE Pink Papaya Tote Bag filled with 5 Pink Papaya catalogs, Pink Papaya water bottle, Pink Papaya pen, Pink Papaya Body Wash, a Pink Papaya lip color and an 8 pack of wash cloths! A FUN bonus for becoming a consultant and joining my team. This incentive is for my personally sponsored consultants only!
(Similar to this one) Sign up today!

Candle Club

I will be starting a Candle Club on January 1st. There will be a 12 month commitment to this club so that everyone gets a fair turn. You will purchase each month product valued at $18.98 minimum and add tax and shipping(monthly promotions will apply for larger purchases). Every month a different member of the club will be the hostess, and will receive all hostess credits and promotions(each months club will be considered a party). Hostess that month will have the option of requesting a catalog the month before to show to her friends and family, and to gather orders and try to increase the size of her hostess credits and earn extra promotions. You will automatically have a $225 party from the candle club. Great way to earn FREE product for yourself or to use as gifts.

Orders will need to be in to me by the 10th, payment via Paypal or money order by the 15th, and orders will be placed on the 18th, and should be received at your home before the 30th of the month.

Products can be viewed at my website . Members of this first club will receive a 9 pk of tealights(assorted) from me with delivery of their first order as a thank you.

If interested, please email me, and I will send you the agreement and rules, and the information for the candle club yahoo group.

Love candles......Want some Free?........Need extra income?.......Then Gold Canyon Candles is what you are looking

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Busy Day ~ Lots Done

Wow I am so tired! My family and I had a busy day today. We got up at 6:30am, I made breakfast burritos and then we were on the road. We went to a community yard sale in Clovis. Found great deals, picked up some cds from artists back in the day and some things for the kids. We then headed to the Fresno Mommies 3rd Birthday Party. We got there and started to mingle. I bought raffle tickets as there were so many great prizes to win. The kids and Antonio were at the playground playing.

There were so many events for the kids to do. Oh ya did I mention we got airbrushed tattoos, so cooool! There were snakes, bubbles, princesses, crafts and lots of goodies for all of us. We had so much fun. Towards the end the raffle was held. I won two dinners at Table Mountain (what I was hoping to win) and Antonio won earrings (which he gave to me) and he also won a baby item. We were so excited as we do not win anything.

After the party we went to Walmart to buy halloween costumes for the kids. All but one found something. I bought Carrie Underwood & Kelly Pickler cds. Already listened to them and they are great!

I fell asleep as did Lily as we were just burnt out. Everyone else did their own thing. After I got up I made dinner for my family and now some time later here blogging.

I love family days like this one!