Monday, June 22, 2009

My place called HOME

It has come to my attention that on July 1st, 2009, Antonio, Lilliana and I will have lived at our current residence for an entire year. To you it may not be a big deal but for us it is at least for me it is. I do not remember living in a residence longer than a few months, even during my childhood years (I could be wrong). I am so excited!

This past week I have been spending lots of time on Face book. I have connected with so many people from my high school days. I think it is cool to see where they are now.

I know I have a story to tell about my life, especially my fight for my life. I have overcome so many of life's trails and tribulations and it just shows how strong a person I really am. I would like to be an inspiration to others and provide HOPE to others. I am a recovering alcoholic/addict and domestic violence survivor. I want to share my story with others in hopes of saving them from destruction. I have been there and it is not fun. It is a living hell! But you can recover and you can find help.

I am now a college student and I work from home. I enjoy being a mom as well. My life is so much better now I sometimes wonder if I am dreaming. There is Life after Tragedy! I am proof of it. All the pain & suffering I endured I don't wish on my worst enemy.

Now I can move forward in my life and create a better life for my kids and myself. I definitely found myself a great guy who loves me completely and I love him the same. We are such a happy couple and are creating a loving environment for our family.

What I also learned is that you can create a HOME wherever you are as long as you have love.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Because life happens

Tonight is day 675 of my sobriety. I am really proud to say in just 7 weeks I will be celebrating my 2nd birthday of sobriety. I sure have come a long ways.

On the 11th of this month my oldest child had her 6th grade promotion. She is now a 7th grader. I can't believe so much time has passed me by. Of course time does that when you are drinking and drugging. I have a beautiful and smart girl on my hands.

Tonight I have my boys for an extended visit. For those of you who are not up to date, CPS took my boys from me due to my addiction. They saved my life. If they did not do this who knows I might be dead today.

No one really knows the suffering addictions are til they truly experience it. I hope no one does, it's horrible to have to answer to the bottle or the drugs. They own you til you decide to break free.

If you notice that you are getting in trouble due to drugs or alcohol then you might have a problem. I suggest seeking help now before you hit your bottom. Although some of us need to hit that bottom. I know I did.

I try to share my story to as much people as I can in hopes to help them before destruction gets a hold of them. I am always available to chat by email if you need to. I am always just a stamp away too. If you need to write then send me a message and I will give you the club address.
Our Main Site

It is time for me to say good night to everyone in cyberspace.

Tip of the night:

Thank the Lord for another day of life and thank Him for all you have in your life.