Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Hello Again!

Wow it's been like two months since I last posted anything. Guess I have been pretty busy. Here's the update on what's going on with me.

On October 25th I am scheduled for my c-section to deliver my baby girl. I am very excited to meet her and will be relieved as well. My boyfriend is picking out her name and he doesn't have one yet. I am about ready to pick it out myself, but since I told him he could I will let him. I just hope he doesn't keep me in suspense too long. I am a bit nervous about going into surgery after all every surgery small or big is risky.

I have been busy trying to get my Gold Canyon Candle business off the ground. I also joined Discovery Toys recently. I love that their toys teach Lily as she plays with them. I also have them for the kids I babysit for in my home. I started a babysitting business in my home. I like to care for children and help out parents in the process. So if you live in the Fresno/Clovis area and are in need of a childcare I am your sitter. I can only babysit in my home as I have my little ones I care for as well. You can go to my website HERE and check out what I have to offer as well as the rates.

I had my first babysitting gig this past week. It was for a little boy named Elijah. He is two and a half and he was such a joy to have around. I babysat him for a full week while his mother was away at business. I have to admit I did get attached to him. My kids liked having him here to. 

My boys are still in Boy Scouts and I am trying to get them involved in karate. We went to a meeting today and they seem to like it. I hope the cost is reasonable and I can afford it. I think it will help them to build their self confidence and self esteem up.

I  have made a tremendous improvement on my bedroom. If you were unaware of this I am a pack rat. Which means I do not like to throw anything out. I have been looking through the many boxes I have left and slowly been getting rid of stuff. I am so proud of myself. I have also got a handle on my impulsive shopping. I try really hard not to buy thing I do not need, because if I do it just ends up in the pile of stuff I don't want to get rid of.

Did I also mention I am taking a tax preparer class? I am hoping to get hired on for a seasonal position. I have been working really hard to understand all the tax laws, credits and everything else. I pray I do get hired on. This will be a great opportunity for me and my kids.

Well that is just an update for now. I will try to blog at least once a week. I could really use the break and it helps me to not feel so overwhelmed & stressed. Til I blog again....

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your little one! Hope all went well with the C-section and that you heal fast and are enjoying your precious baby!

    I was originally I'm stopping by to thank you for being a follower at my Scribbleprints blog and invite you to a Blog Party I'm having...but I imagine you have more important things on your mind right now. God Bless!
