Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Manic Monday on Tuesday

You know when you think your day is going to go a certain way and then you get stuck on the computer and nothing has been done. Well that is me right now. I have been glued to this seat at the computer for the last 3 hours updating my sites and have the tv for background noise.
I know this may or may not be some of you out there, but it does get a lil annoying at times on my part. I am not trying to bash on myself or justify it. I am just getting my new online shoppe filled with many great products and I will do some house chores before I  take Lily to the doctor for her flu booster shot. I do keep my kids appts.
Well just a lil ranting on myself. Oh did I mention I am supposed to be packing as I will be moving come Feb? I know it's a ways away but I need to start now or nothing will get done. LOL
If you want to participate in Manic Mondays got to:
and sign up.
Time to finish up here on the computer then I got dishes to do.
Have a Great Day!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thanks so much for participating in Manic Monday again, I hope to see you back next Monday!
