Thursday, April 28, 2011

Thursday Thoughts

I have been reading about what happened to Alabama and near by states. My heart & sympathies go out to everyone who suffered during the cluster of tornadoes. I cannot believe they got so many and that so many people died. There was lots of damage. Why does this have to happen? It was reported the last time a cluster of tornadoes did so much damage was in 1974.

On Tuesday, I went to speak with my college counselor regarding getting me enrolled in college again. It was brought to my attention that I "dabble in everything." I am not sure why this occurs maybe I just get bored and need to find something that fascinates me. Well hopefully I can finish my schooling and earn my degree. I used to be fond of school once upon a time. Now I have even more reason to finish - I want to get a career not just a job. i want stable income.

I have a on call part time job and well let's face it they haven't called me in to work all month. I do not know what I did or didn't do. But that job is just not cutting it. I babysit from home as well and I only have one client. I am working on getting more but I am just a babysitter, not a licensed facility. I will be looking into getting my license as I will need it. I will also be taking first aid.

There is so much I want to do and it feels like there is not enough time to do it. I just need to get my butt in gear and follow through with all I do. I can procrastinate or get side tracked which is so easy to do. I can honestly say I must be in remission from my depression. I just woke up one morning this week and started cleaning. I did such a good job that my boyfriend came home and was in shock. I have been feeling extremely tired and no motivation to do anything these past few months. I feel a lot better and full of life again.

I am trying not to let every little thing bring me down. There is just too many chaotic things in my life right now. My main one is income. I need to find a steady income and i know I will. God will not let me down. God is Good! Now only if my kids could get along, is that too much to ask. They are in their pre-teens and one teenager. Go figure right?

My daughter Izabella is turning six years old on Sunday. My little girl is getting so big. She will be completing kindergarten this June. Time sure does fly by fast. All my kids are getting older which means so am I. I cannot believe I will be turning 33 next month. Sometimes I feel like I haven't accomplished anything in life, which that isn't true! I survived domestic abuse, survived death, recovered from addiction, recovered from many bad relationships, found Mr. Right and had six kids. My life is GRAND! I feel lucky to have gone through what I have. I realized I am one STRONG WOMAN! 

 Now to begin my next chapter in my life: college.

I have decided to major in psychology. I have always been fond of the subject. I can help many people along the way, as I have endured so much so far. I want to give back and make a difference in someone's life. I want to help them better their life and live happy. If I can find HAPPINESS so can they!

To another day of My Krazy Life!

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